It seems like everytime I turn around Isaac is taking off his diaper today. He woke me up this morning by calling from his bed "Mom! Potty!" When I went in he had taken off his pants and diaper and the front of his onesie was wet. (Which he had unsnapped.) Later he did take off his diaper, sit on his potty, and go potty in it all by himself, which was a major accomplishment. But since then he took off his pants and pooped on the floor, then took them off again and pottied on the floor. What is a mom to do?
4 months ago
Well, he Bumbo-ed up the back of him and it's just been downhill from there, hasn't it? :) Oh, we have so much to look forward to...
Trust me, you're NOT the only one going through this! Going on the potty all by himself is a huge deal! Hopefully it will just get easier from here!
that just sounds horrible. i can't imagine cleaning up after that boy. so why does he have a bruised toenail?
I really don't have much experience in the blogging community yet, but as far as I can tell, you're doing a great job. As far as the potty training is concerned, I don't have much advice in that area either!!
Sadly, that is fingernail polish, not a bruised toenail. He woke up from his nap when I was doing sissie's nails, and I ended up putting navy blue on his toes...
Sadly, that is fingernail polish, not a bruised toenail. He woke up from his nap when I was doing sissie's nails, and I ended up putting navy blue on his toes...
Cute blog!! That is awesome that he is at least showing interest in going potty... hopefully he will soon start getting it into the potty every time--for your sanity!! I am dreading potty training with Sydni. Just bought her some underwear last week, so we will see...
Do you mind if I link you on my blog?
Go ahead and link me! I'll put your link on mine as soon as I figure out how to do that...
Cute blog, I will link yours to mine. My blog address is Good luck with the potty training, unfortunately I have no experience with boys :)
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