My life has gotten really crazy this summer. Today we left our house at 9:30 to go to swimming lessons. From there we ran into Burlington Coat Factory to look for Sunday clothes for Isaac and baby girl. Then we rushed to a nearby elementary school for their free school lunch--corndogs today. I had a half hour before I needed to drop the kids off at the babysitters, so we hurried to Target where I got Isaac some new shoes and me some deodorant. (Gross, but in all the rush I had forgotten to put deodorant on this morning, and with all the running around in the heat, it's kind of a necessity.) From there, I dropped the kids off at the O'Neill's and drove to Scottsdale for my Dr. appointment. Then I picked the kids back up, and got back home at 3:30. Whew! Sadly, this is not too uncommon for us these days.
We were all pretty exhausted, so the kids piled onto my lap, I started a movie, and we all fell asleep. Best part of the day!!