Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thank goodness for sudden bursts of energy

And for sleeping babies, and baby swings, and kids that will entertain themselves for a couple hours, and for kids that will do chores to earn the right to scrub the toilet.

I haven't felt very well for a couple of days, and things around my house have definitely suffered. Somehow today I managed to do a pretty good job of catching up. I did dishes, swept and mopped the floor, crushed a bunch of pop cans, scrubbed all three bathrooms and mopped them too, washed 3 loads of laundry, picked up the family room and vacuumed, cleaned up my bedroom and made my bed to boot. Lest you think I totally neglected my kids today, we did spend two hours at the park for a preschool field trip.
Still to come this evening: bathe the kids, fold all of those clean clothes, clean out the van, and hopefully, dinner at Panda Express. A mom and can only be expected to do so much, right?!


Jolynn said...

My goodness, you must work a lot faster than I do. Maybe I move slower these days, but I don't think I could get that much done in the time you did! Kudos to you for doing all that AND spending time with your kiddies. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That is a lot.

holli jo said...

I'm tired just from reading that! You are amazing.

Heidi said...

Fin means finished...:) I usually use that title on projects who take me some time to complete... Finley is a beautiful name...as for knitting...I usually knit about one hour in the afternoons when my babies are napping, and then in the evenings when I am hanging out with my husband I get about 3 hours of knitting while we are talking/watching movies/etc.... so that adds up to about 4 hours a day x 7 days that is 28+ hours, and a lot of projects when you knit as fast as I do :)

Kandice and Rob said...

I bet you slept well! Probably pretty nice to sit in your clean house and eat food you didn't have to cook when you were all done, too! You should have the rest of the week off.

cassidy said...

Wow, that's a lot! I bet it feels nice to have such a clean house. That's funny that your kids want to scrub the toilet so bad!

Amy said...

Holy cow girl! You are super woman! You got alot more done than me. I only finished the laundry.

Phil and Stacie said...

I'm way impressed! I didn't get much done after the park. I love cleaning the house and then getting take out so that I don't mess it up again cooking dinner!

Gardner Family said...

Hillary--what were you thinking? Now Keith is going to get some wild ideas about you doing this everyday!!! (Just kidding Keith)
Well, I spent 3 hours yesterday in "the bedroom of death and no return", aka Hallie and Hannah's room. Three bags of trash later I was lucky to make it out alive. I really need a movie night now (hint, hint).

holli jo said...

And I'd rather clean the house for hours than make dinner, so good choice w/ Panda.