Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun in a grocery cart

There are two basic classifications of moms out there. Let's say, for example, that you have an abandoned grocery store cart sitting at your park, which just happens to have a nice little hill. The first group of moms would tell their children that it was not safe and to leave the grocery cart alone. A very sensible thing to do. The second group of moms would tell their children fine, play in the cart, but be very careful. I belong to the much smaller, lesser known third group of moms who say, "Wow, that looks fun! Let me help you in, give you a push down the hill, and take your picture to boot!" I did, however, convert another mom over to the dark side. :) And I'm sure there is an even smaller fourth group of moms who would have jumped in the cart to have a go themselves. (Why didn't I think of that until I got home?)
The kids all loved having a turn in the grocery cart.
If only we had multiple carts, we could have raced!
This is how we sled in Arizona.
Finley was a little disapointed she didn't get a turn in the cart.
The kids also love playing in the sand. We took our new sand toys and they had a blast!
Arizona winters are the best. The weather is beautiful and we can stay at the park for hours. I dread the summer that is on its way.


Krystal said...

you forgot about the 5th classification of mom... the moms too tired to even make it out to the park! :D looks like fun!

Jolynn said...

Well I say there is a 6th classification of mom whose husband would have been there and not let them do the shopping cart because they might go konkers! (your dad would never have approved of this activity!) And I daresay those kids surely needed shoes and socks on! How warm is it there??? Right now I have two sweatshirts on......I too am dreading the summer though.

Lexi said...

oh please mom... 2 sweatshirts. i didn't even wear my coat today, not even a jacket.

i want a turn in the shopping cart!

Phil and Stacie said...

I got to say it was fun to let the kids do that once I realized it wasn't dangerous! My kids are so lucky you were there =) Another great day at the park!

linds said...

holy cow, i want so badly to go to the park...even if there was no grocery cart. looks like a beautiful day!

Gardner Family said...

Your mom is a crack up with the shoes and socks comment. I know I've said it before but that is exactly what my mom would have said.
I'd go barefoot everywhere if it were socially acceptable. Or if I were a hippie.

Vicki said...

That looks fun!