Sometimes I feel like the worst mom ever.
Yesterday, while doing dishes, I glanced up to see Finley standing at the sliding glass door with an extremely suspicious smear all over her diaper. (yes, she was just wearing a diaper and shirt at the time.) I rushed over, and my worst fears were confirmed when I saw that is was, indeed poop, and that she had made her way over to the door from the center of the room, leaving behind a huge smear of poop on my freshly shampooed carpets. (You know what they say--boycott "sham"poo, demand real poo.)
I drug her into the kitchen and cleaned her up as good as you can using a half a container of wipey's, but knew that an actual bath was essential. I had just filled up the sink to wash a couple of dishes, so I set my naked daughter on the tile and handed her a graham cracker while I hurried and did the dishes. Then I refilled the sink and prepared to bathe her. Meanwhile, and this is rather key to the story, my little sister called and I decided that I was capable of handling this situation while chatting on the phone.
So I bathed Finley, dried her off and diapered her, then set her on the floor in a state of distraction, which caused me to forget about a very crucial piece of guessed it, the poop still smeared on my floor.
About 20 seconds later, I looked up to see my little girl give me a goofy grin with her sweet little face and mouth now smeared with poop. I screamed, she cried, I hung up the phone. Bathed her again. I wiped out the inside of her mouth, which fortunately seemed clear of poop. That was just all over the outside of her body. Yikes. My mom has now threatened (not for the first time) to confiscate Finley and raise her herself.
4 months ago
That is hilarious. And exactly the reason I quit trying to potty train Addison. I've decided I missed the small window when she would be excited and now it's up to her to decide she wants to go in the potty. I'm too disctracted to follow her around all day long, forcing her to sit on the toilet. Love the poop story.
Yes, I'll admit I have made that semi-idle threat several times, even though I myself was not a perfect Mom.........But as I said to Holli, my children never ate human poo! Dog poo, yes, but not human. (as if that matters!) Don't be too hard on yourself Hill. If nothing else, it makes for a hillarious story.
Poo stories are always so hilarious! Although, you might not think so for a while. I really do feel bad for you!
That is too funny! And I wouldnt call you 'distracted' Id call you a multitasker. Sometimes even multi taskers forget a task or two :D
haha. its kind of a funny story. poor fin. and you.
Gross, gross, gross. I, too, had to shampoo poop off the play room floor last week. The "Dirtiest Job in America" is being a mom.
It seems you have many adventures with poop. I see a new blog in you future dedicated exclusively to the topic!
That seriously made me laugh out loud!
I'm so sorry.
What doesn't kill her will just make her stronger, right?
What we deal with as mom's! :-) Good that you documented it... then you can laugh about it later!! :-) Hope all is well!
The pinata is cute! Aiden keeps buggin me to get a pinata- I keep telling him to wait until we get to AZ. We get get a HUGE on for half the price we would pay for a tiny one here! :-)
It is amazing how much crap you have to deal with as a mom... literally! LOL. Thanks for sharing.
Oh my gosh!! That is funny... although I am sure it wasn't for you at the time. The joys of children!
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