Sunday, September 13, 2009

I want some cold water in my "mouse"

This is how Isaac asks for a drink. He's recently started dropping the "in my mouse" part, which is sad.

A couple weeks ago, I had to go to Best Buy during the day for something. When we pulled up, Isaac said, "This a boy store! I'll go in there, and you go to a different store." He also didn't think Daddy would be too happy about Mommy going to a boy store without him. Best Buy is located right by Hobby Lobby and Old Navy, so you can guess why Isaac thinks it is a "boy store," and why Mommy should go to a different store.

One day, I said to Isaac and Sareny, "Come on guys!" Isaac said, "We're not guys! We're kids."

Another day, Isaac pointed at his "piders" and said, "Hook! It a little turtle, and there's its eye. That cool?"


Gardner Family said...

So sweet!

Tanya said...

What a cutie. I hope to meet him someday!

Lexi said...

i just love that boy! that cool? he says some cute stuff.

Jolynn said...

But does anyone else in the world know what "piders" are? That boy is jsut the cutest. Love his funny little things he says.

holli jo said...

Or does anyone else know what "Hook!" means. Well, "piders" is the weirdest. But Isaac sure is cute.

James the Bames said...

I think you actually have to show an understanding of the turtle joke before they let you start shopping at "guy" stores. It's no wonder we make moms go shop elsewhere.