Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Isaac's Quilt

I have made Sareny, Keith, and me our own rag quilts, and decided it was time for Isaac to have his own. I picked out this super cute pirate fabric a loooooong time ago, then had a hard time finding anything to match it. Finally, after over a year of searching, I found the striped fabric that I think went perfectly, so construction of the quilt could begin.
Enter problems from a very stubborn sewing machine. I had worked so hard on the quilt and was quite close to finishing, when my sewing machine just refused to sew another stitch. I was frustrated, and once again abandoned the project for a while. A couple of weeks later, I was telling some women in my ward about my sewing machine woes and one of them, whom I had just met that very evening, offered to give me her sewing machine. This was seriously such a blessing for me, because we just didn't have the money to replace it, and here was a virtual stranger willing to give hers to me for free. I am still in awe about this kindness.
So here is the finished quilt in all its glory.
front of quilt.
back of quilt.
I think he loves it!


Lexi said...

that lady in your ward is so nice to give you her machine. im glad you were able to finish isaac's quilt. it is super cute.

Myrna Foster said...

That is sooo cute! And that was so nice of that lady to give you her sewing machine. I love nice people.

Gardner Family said...

I love it! It fits his little old self.

Jolynn said...

Yay for Isaac! Now you can all snuggle together next winter. I suppose Fin will have to be next though.........can you stand the thought of making another one??? Isaac's did turn out really cute though. I love those prints.

cassidy said...

SO cute! I love the pirate fabric. That's a fun tradition, but Fin is going to need one now.