Sunday, April 7, 2013


Isaac and Sareny played in the Estrella Youth Sports basketball league this winter, and it was a lot of fun.
Isaac had several friends on the team, including David D. and Hone W., and he was coached by Hone's dad.
He learned some new skills and really enjoyed playing. In his division, the kids wore color-coded wristbands so they would know who they were guarding on the opposing team.
I am drawing a blank at his team name right now, and he is up in bed sleeping so I can't ask him. :) But they wore black. This is several days later now, and Isaac reminded me that his team was named the Black Wolves.
Sareny's team wore black as well, and they were The Creepers. (like from Minecraft, as opposed to, well, a creeper like you might be thinking.)
She didn't know anyone on her team at all before the season started, but she didn't care and had a fun season. The 3rd/4rth grade division plays with a regular girl's basketball and with a regulation height rim, so it was a bit difficult for her, and for most of the kids on her team.
The most exciting point in the season was the game that she made a basket--we were all so proud! She really did great and improved a lot over the season.


Jolynn said...

I'm so glad the kids are enjoying sports. They look so little! (and cute)That was totes awesome that Sareny made a basket! Next year we'll hopefully get to come see a game.

scipiosal said...

Fun to see all the cute pics of the kids. Isaac looks like he is a head taller than most of his fellow players!Good job Sareny on making a basket(I don't think I could)By the way I wish you would post some wedding pics--I guess Jo is never going to.

scipiosal said...

Fun to see all the cute pics of the kids. Isaac looks like he is a head taller than most of his fellow players!Good job Sareny on making a basket(I don't think I could)By the way I wish you would post some wedding pics--I guess Jo is never going to.

hillari said...

I'll post just might take me a while to get to them!