Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Skate Party

Sareny had a best friend in kindergarten named Lisa. They were so cute together and had so much fun together. Then we moved. I wish I would have tried to stay in touch with them, but I didn't. The last week of school, out of nowhere, Lisa's mom called me up and invited Sareny to Lisa's birthday party. We hadn't seen them in almost three years, and they had gotten our phone number from the Slinker's. Sareny was so excited to see Lisa again! We were wondering what she would look like now, and if we would recognize her. Lisa's dad told us that Lisa was wondering the same thing. The party was at Great Skate, and I had to take all the kids there by myself since Keith was in San Francisco for work. The girls were so excited to see each other and were able to pick right up where they left off.
The skating place rented these things that were like walkers on wheels, and they were a big help to the younger kids.
I parked KeeKee on the side of the rink and helped Fin and Isaac around one time--and they really needed help! Their legs were moving, but they just weren't going anywhere.
We took a break for pizza, cake, and presents. This little girl wanted out of her stroller.
And then everything seemed to click for Finley and Isaac. I was amazed as I watched them racing around.
It was fun to see how much better they got!
Sareny with Lisa's neighbor and Lisa.
The girls were cute and had a fun time together skating around and holding hands. Although Sareny said it is a lot harder to skate and hold hands.
I was surprised at how well Isaac did, and how much he enjoyed it. As we drove away, he asked if we could go back the next day. We need to go back soon, because he keeps asking about it!
Finley was adorable racing around! I really couldn't believe how fast she got.
Whoever invented those wheelie things was a genius! There is no way Isaac and Finley could have skated at all without them, especially since I had to take care of Keeley most of the time. So yay for those things! Anyway, it was fun catching up with such a nice family and I'm glad they thought of inviting us. We have since had them over for swimming at Starpointe and dinner, and look forward to continuing our friendship.


Jolynn said...

How fun that Sareny got to reconnect with her friend. They all look so cute skating together. Those cool "walker" thingies certainly were a lifesaver for you. It made it so Fin and Isaac could have a good time too. Lisa'a family must have really liked Sareny and you guys, since they went to so much trouble to find you.

Lexi said...

What a fun party! And awesome that Fin and IJ were able to do so well with the walkers.